This survey is the only reliable source of statistics relating to textile and clothing consumption in India. This annual report "Market for Textiles and Clothing: National Household Survey-2006 is providing the basic data on the domestic demand for textiles and clothing for our country during the year 2006. The household sector, which is dealt within this survey, accounts for approximately 60% of total textile production in the country. The remaining 40% is accounted fo by the industrial and export sectors. Ay reliable and scientific estimate of consumption in the household sector ca, therefore, be a sound basis for estimating the size of total industry. The findings regarding annual demand for textiles and clothing in the household segment are derived fro m the monthly textile purchases data for the 12 months of the calender year of 2005. The above data have been collected from a sample of 13600 households spread in 113 urban and 256 rural sample cities/towns/villages in the country on bi-monthly basis.